More Lake Jennings 2010

Ah, now I see how to add more than 5 photos to 1 message. Sorry!

The tents shown are the “girls camp”, maybe someday we will camp without our tents too. And pay no attention to the Pink Panthers eating donuts, I’m sure they ate SOMETHING else on this trip… really!

Mrs. Klug

1 thought on “More Lake Jennings 2010”

  1. What a GREAT campout! A dozen Scouts earned Wilderness Survival Merit Badge. Thank you to the Scouts and adults who came and taught fire starting (4 ways without matches!), water purification, shelter building (the Scouts found that they could build a warm and dry shelter with just their ponchos/tarps, and that the coyotes stayed away!), signaling, first aid, etc. The dawn orange sky and reflection on the lake were amazing!

    Thank you also to Mr. Zimmer and Mrs. Klug for the GREAT cooking demos of foil culinary arts and Dutch Ovens and to these two pranksters plus Mr. Stachwick/Mr. Davis for the large toothed lodge building rodent jokes and songs!

    It was great that it did not rain on our campout, too bad the same
    cannot be said for the Chargers' “Parade. . . . .”

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