
Thanks for the great Mission Trails Backpack! 18 Scouts and Scouters prepared for the Yosemite Trek/Backpack by hiking 15 miles with full packs. All did GREAT! The trip started late Friday with a 4 mile night hike down the Junipero Serra Trail past the Old Mission Dam to the Visitors Center and back to camp.

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Lake Jennings

First Aid, Building Fire, Sleeping with no tent, that would be Wilderness Survival Merit Badge. On our last campout Troop 301 went to Lake Jennings to work on this Merit Badge. Thanks to all the older scouts who helped to teach, and all the ASM’s who teached also. As Dr. Solberg asked all the scouts

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Weblos Night!

Class A uniforms (and merit badge sash!) please at the upcoming Troop meeting(7-8:15 PM at JERABEK! Please arrive early/ grab a rope and a Webelos Scout and teach them knots! Look sharp at opening. . .line up the best you can. . .be friendly to the Webelos. This may be the one time many see

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