Yosemite Hike 2011

Josh and I sat in the meadow of Tuolumne at 8,800 feet eating our breakfast on Wed. AM, as even after 120 miles, we were not quite ready to leave.

  The Belding Ground Squirrels ran around us, and a young buck mule deer served as our Maitre-de, as we sat on a rock looking to the west.  .. ..

We owe a huge THANKS to all of the adults who drove  and helped our sons on the Yosemite Backpack and Day Hike  trips!   Without you, these trips

would not be possible!

Gold Stars to:  Ms. Haushildt, Mrs. “Jump-in Jolynn”  Ingles, Mrs. Klug, Mr. Klug, Mr. Zimmer,  Mr.  “Super Sweep” Sweeney, 
                Mr. Straub, and Mrs. “Iron Paula” Trubitt!

Troop 301 Yosemite Trek/Day Hikes.
August, 2011. 
64 miles by GPS.  

Crew Leader:  Andrew Izzo
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster:  Josh Solberg
Patrol Leaders:  Mitchel Ingles and Adam Trubitt.
Participants:  Justin Todd, Bradley Sweeney, Nick Simmons, Brennan Straub, Spencer Ingles, Stephen Lofy,
         Dario Inzunza.
Crew Advisors:  Ms. Haushildt, Mrs. “Jump-in Jolynn”  Ingles, Mrs. Lofy,   Mr.  “Super Sweep” Sweeney, 
                Mr. Straub, and Mrs. “Iron Paula” Trubitt, Dr.  Bryon Solberg.  

Some things to remember:
            +deer grazing vs. the grazing of deer. . . . 
            +What a  hike of a  “Strong 10 miles”  per  Dr. Solberg really means. . .
            +You CAN pass 7  real restrooms on a day hike in the Sierras in just one day!
            +Rangers heat the water.  ..  ha, ha, ha . . .
            +All the trails go downhill. .. . ha, ha, ha.  .
            +Dr. Solberg’s beloved  flower books COULD be used for tinder, and his 
                                  Forestry Merit Badge wood samples COULD be used for kindling.  . .per Mrs. Ingles, 
            +Unicorns really have 3 horns. .  .
            +A Yosemite hat campfire retirement.  . .
            +Mount Simmons. . ..
            +The store should stock more tortilla chips and salsa when Troop 301 is  around ..  .
            +Mountain House vs. Cup-o-Noodles taste test.
            +Since 2007, in 25 days of Yosemite Day Hikes with 15 different hikes, the veterans agreed that we had the BEST ONE YET with a  complete circuit
               of  most of the Saddlebag Lake area lakes/snow fields/snow bridges/ice caves/flowers/vistas!
            +at over 9,000 feet elevation, as we were traversing a fresh avalanche slide from last spring, with flowering meadows/Lake Elizabeth/blue skies/August snow/
                        fallen trees all around us, Bradley Sweeney exclaims:  “This is what Scouting is meant to be!”

Day One:   Tuolumne River/Little Devil’s Postpile/Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne Overlook


Day 2:  Elizabeth Lake/Twin Bridges/Unicorn View Pool Swimming!

Day 3:  Saddle Bag/Odell/Helen/Steelhead Lakes

Day 4:  Yosemite Valley/Half Dome from Mount Watkins

Day 5:  May Lake/snow play on the flanks  of Mount Hoffman.