Scripps Ranch Troop 301

Yosemite Fires Update

Dr Bryon says:

There are maps of many different areas spread out all over my Den. Cuyamaca, Southern Sierras, Lagunas, San Gorgonio, San Jacinto, etc.

Our Commissioner Dr. Fields gave me a picture taken on Monday at Yosemite from Glacier Point. Yes, there was some smoke, but not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. There were fires in June and July when I was there, and it looked much worse the last two times and it cleared in a day each time once the fires went out.

This fire is big, but it is many miles from our destination. As of this AM, it was 40% undercontrol. You can SEE the virtual Yosemite

I am amazed at how good it looks. The air actually looks clearer there than it is here.

Click on the “Air Quality + view” in the 2nd row/2nd column and check out how the 10 day particulate graph looks. As of right now, particulates on 7/31 (today) at 4 PM are JUST SEVEN. “Good” category. Go figure. We will need to keep an eye on these, especially if the wind shifts and/or the fire picks up again, but it looks a whole lot better than I thought it would.

In summary, the peaks of particles are still high during the day, but I am hopeful, that with a week and a half until we leave, that these peaks will decrease. Also, I will need to call some contacts in the high country to hear about how it is where we will be.

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