Scripps Ranch Troop 301

Yosemite Backpack Journal Day 3

“At Yosemite you can hike”
“You can hike”
“All the trails are downhill”
“All the trails are downhill”
“Ha, Ha, Ha”

We broke camp at 8 am.

Our first day of lots of up hill.  It was a grind up to May Lake.  Jake T. won the candy bar of the day for knowing the lake was named after Lucille Mayotta Brown.  We stopped at Raisin Lake for lunch.  It is so named because it is supposed to be warmer.  I personally think it is because it is brown like a raisin.  The promise of warm water was not enough to lure any swimmers to the raisin colored water.

After our stop we hiked up to May Lake.  Quite a few scouts seemed pretty tired and just dropped their packs once in camp.  After a few minutes of rest we got camp set up, then went down to the lake for a swim.  It was cold again, but we all got good and clean.  The boys spent some time skipping stones.  We then had dinner. 

After dinner we walked to the vista where the locals get married.  We were treated to a full moon rise over Tenaya and Tresidder Peaks just as the sun set.  We took some pictures and Dr Bryon gave a virtual tour of the peaks in view including Half Dome, Clouds Rest, Clark, Red, Quartz, North, Conness, Gibbs, Florence, Dana and Lyle peaks. 

We went back to camp were we had another campfire singing jingles from commercials.  Josh won another candy bar for knowing the three peaks named after women.  Tresidder, Florance and Amelia Earhart.  It was a lot of up hill but there was more to come.

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