Woodbadge Registration

Greetings Scripps-Mesa Scouting Leaders,

This will be my last push for Wood Badge registrations before our Nikon D40 Camera drawing. To be eligible for this drawing your Wood Badge registration and FULL Payment be at Council by August 8th, 2009. How often do you get in a drawing for something this valuable with so few entries? Not often. The max drawing pool is 48 people. Here is the secret, the insider information: only 5 registrations have their full payment in at council as of last Friday, July 24th, 2009. I am sure a few more will come in but the odds are good.

Perhaps you have already attended Wood Badge and know its value. I would ask you to send this e-mail on to your fellow unit leaders and encourage them to take Wood Badge. Imaging having a leader in your Unit win the Nikon D50? Presto – one new official unit Photographer!

Again I encourage all Units to consider a Wood Badge scholarship where the unit sponsors 1/2 the tuition and pays $125 of the total $250 fee. Not many units do this now, but it is happening more and more as units recognize the value of Wood Badge trained leaders.

Don’t let this opportunity pass your unit by. Act now! You or someone in your unit may win the D40 and you will have someone in your unit working their tickets and helping you and your scouting unit grow.

Do you want to learn more about our Wood Badge Course? Check out our Web Site at: http://woodbadge2009.weebly.com

Chris Friend
Scripps-Mesa District
WE4-49-09 ASM Program
(858) 537-9009