Scripps Ranch Troop 301

Update from Emerald Bay Catalina…Tuesday Night

Arrival to Catalina was right on Schedule after an hour and half journey. The bus ride we shared with the troop from Rancho Bernardo got us to San Pedro in plenty of time for our 1:00 pm departure. Sunday night’s camp fire is always a good way to meet the staff after getting our gear squared away in the tents at Monterrey camp site.

500+ scouts have joined us this week for “fun with a purpose” on Catalina’s Northern shores.

Our UGT (Unit Get Together) was lunch on the beach on Monday followed by a hike on Monday night led by Ranger Joe.

Tuesday morning was our turn for War Canoe with an early morning departure. A snorkel trip to Smuggler’s Cave and Beaver Cove took place during the day. Generous portions of beef stew and peach cobbler were prepared in dueling dutch ovens under the guidance of Patrol Leaders Reid Barkell and Christian Nagano. Our scouts have prepared their “lodging” on Parsons Beach and working on keeping warm as there is a brisk summer breeze, but Troop 301 scouts have built extensive shelters to block the wind and provide that “comfortable” sand mattress for a good night’s sleep.

All scouts will be working on their Merit badges classes on Wednesday upon return from War canoe. A few scouts are working up to the mile swim as well in between class snorkeling and fishing.

Most of our Scouts are quick to run for “Seconds!!!!!” in the cafeteria, this should assure parents that the food is good and our boys are well fed after a good day of camp.

ASM Carlos Aylwin for ASM’s Susan Klug, Tom Barkell and John Madsen

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