Scripps Ranch Troop 301

Troop Camporee

Please send YOUR VOTE for one, the other, or both so that the results
can be given to the PLC (

See April below. ..choices are to:
A. Go to Mataguay (upper field, lots of allergens if you are susceptible) for the Dual District Camporee (cost will be approx. $20 plus food and transportation). Friday-Sunday. Events include knots, lashings, semiphore/Morse code signaling, canoeing, flint and steel fire building, and map/compass.
B. Troop Camporee. Likely on a Sunday afternoon (please give a date preference(s).). Likely in a local park. Youth leaders will run the events (and maybe the adults would do one event like last year, depending on the PLC’s direction).

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