Scripps Ranch Troop 301

Troop 301 Honor Roll

Hi Troop 301!!!!!
This issue:
This is a special issue, where we have a chance to say “Thanks!” to so many that have made Troop 301 such a success.   It was written largely in December of 2010, as Troop 301 approached its fourth birthday (January 3, 2007 was the initial charter date).  
As we look back on the first  four years, the journey has been amazing.  The Troop was born because  we wanted  a great Scouting experience for our sons. . . and we  believed it could happen.  Just some of the highlights:
**Five Eagle Scouts in the last 15 months, and 20(!) more  young men with their Eagle Scout Rank almost complete.   
**Ten 50 mile “High Adventure”  trips, including treks in Yosemite, backpacking in  New Mexico (Philmont), and canoe treks  on the Colorado river.
**Sweeps of the awards at competitions at District Camporee, aquacades, and summer camps.
**Offering over 40 nights of camping and 200 miles of hiking  each  year.
**Quality Unit Awards each of the Troop’s  first four years.
**Serving the community with: Cub Scout Webelos Day,  Scout Fair, and Den Chiefs; staffing school fundraiser fairs;  food drives; baseball field improvements; Lake Miramar kiosks, distance markers, and flag pole; Lake Jennings and San Diego County wildlife habitat improvements; local school infrastructure improvements. 
A friend of mine started a church about the same time our Troop was formed.  His mentor told him: “Of all your friends who are  helping you start this  church, they will all be gone by the time this church is  two years old!”  His mentor was right: they were all gone  within two years.   Troop 301 did not suffer a similar fate.
From a historical perspective, we wanted to place this in writing for “Institutional Memory,” and say “Thank you!” to the families who helped create this Troop.  They   have  made   so much  possible by their service for our sons and Scouting   “from the beginning”  through  the  first four years of Troop 301.  In the future, we need to document the recipients of our Troop’s “Volunteers of the Year” awards, as many families have joined subsequent to the founding of the Troop, and have given significant, consistent, and loyal  service.    
The words below are a small sample of these  founding parents’  service, and  cannot capture all they have done for our Troop.    It is a sampling of their service, as we say  “THANK YOU!” to each of you.  We so appreciate  your loyalty to  Troop 301! 
Dr. Bryon Solberg, M.D.
Troop 301 Founding Scoutmaster
Troop 301 Four Year Family Honor Roll:  From the initial chartering  of January 3, 2007.
*Abeyta: driving, hiking, Eagle Scout Mentor, Troop Store Chair, Troop Committee. 
*Barkell:  driving, camping, Tour Leader for multiple Catalina Island Emerald Bay Summer Camps,
Troop Committee, Scoutmaster Corps.
*DeRego:  driving, hiking, biking, camping, Board of Review Chair/Member,  Yosemite 50 miler,
Troop Committee.
*Ford/Peters:  driving, hiking, biking,  camping, Board of Review Member,  Yosemite 50 miler,
Troop Committee.
*Gibson:  driving, hiking, camping, Board of Review Member. 
Scoutmaster Conferences for the Scoutmaster’s sons, Scoutmaster Corps.
*Graham:  driving, hiking, camping, Board of Review Member,  Merit Badge Counselor Chair, Troop Committee.
*Hallums:  driving, hiking, camping, Board of Review Member,  Yosemite 50 milers, merit badge counselor.
Troop Committee.
*Khuu:  driving, hiking,  Board of Review Member,   Awards  Chair. Troop Committee.
*Mosely:  driving, hiking, camping, Board of Review Member,   merit badge counselor,  canoeing leader, Founding Committee Chair, Chartered Organizational Representative.
*Nagano:  driving, hiking, camping,  summer camp leader.  Troop Committee, Scoutmaster Corps.
*Ordonez:  driving, hiking, Board of Review Member.  Troop Committee.
*Rowland:  driving, hiking,  Board of Review Member, Troop Secretary, Popcorn Kernel. Troop Committee.
*Simmons:  driving, hiking, camping, Board of Review Member,   Troop Committee, Yosemite 50 miler, merit badge counselor, Philmont Leader, Troop Treasurer.
*Trubitt:  This family joined   just a few weeks  after the Troop chartered, and their service deserves to  be mentioned here.  Driving, hiking, camping, Board of Review Member,  Yosemite 50 milers, merit badge counselor, summer camp leader, Philmont Leader, securing meeting locations.  Troop Committee, Scoutmaster Corps.
Vildibill:  driving, hiking, camping, summer camp leader. Webmaster Chair, Founding Chartered Organizational Representative.  Scoutmaster Conferences for the Scoutmaster’s sons. Scoutmaster Corps.
Vishwanath:  driving, hiking, camping, Advancement Chair.  Troop Committee.
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