Space…. The Final Frontier

Those Scouts who are not yet First Class but who want to go on the December campout may build rockets on November 12. You must RSVP to Mr. Bosworth at by 5 PM Monday November 3rd.

Mr. Bosworth will be ordering rockets that night so we will have them at the 12 November meeting. The cost is $15 per scout for one Baby Bertha rocket kit and at least 3 motors. The goal is to get these rockets ready to fly but not painted. Scouts will be on their own to paint and/or decorate.

Scouts can also bring other rockets to the campout they may have built on their own. If you do please make sure you bring wadding, ignotors and engines. Mr Bosworth will inspect all of these rockets and approve for flight.

Scouts can bring partially completed non-Baby Bertha rockets if they want to work on those, but priority will be given to those that need assistance with the Baby Bertha rockets.