Scripps Ranch Troop 301

Space Exploration Merit Badge

Design a moon base!
Build and fly your own rocket!
See how satellites stay in orbit!

All this and more this month!

Preparation and RSVP required, please see below.

Attention Troop 301 Space Explorers:

November is Space Exploration Month and Misters Bosworth and Stachwick will be offering Space Exploration Merit Badge!

Schedule of events:

* 5 November – Merit badge counseling at the troop meeting. Scouts will design their own unmanned planetary mission!
* 12 November – Rocket build session at the troop meeting
* 19 November – Merit badge counseling at the troop meeting. Scouts will design their own Moon or Mars base!
* 5-7 December – Agua Caliente campout and Plaster City rocket launch
* 14, 27 December – Optional Fiesta Island rocket launches

All boys should be able to earn the merit badge if they participate in the three troop meetings and one rocket launch.


* If you want to participate in the model rocket build session, please RSVP to Mr. Bosworth ASAP at I will be ordering rockets in the next 5 days. The cost will be $15, checks payable to Craig Bosworth. That will get you a Baby Bertha rocket kit and at least 3 motors to fly it with. More motors will be for sale on site at Plaster City but not Fiesta Island.
* Before the 5 November troop meeting, take a look at the attached reference sheet sent via email by Mr. Bosworth. You will need to have a basic grasp of the items listed under Requirement 1 and the planetary and early manned missions listed in Requirement 5.
* Also before the 5 November meeting, print out the merit badge worksheet found here.

Mr. Randy Culp has created an outstanding Space Exploration Merit Badge web site. It has all the information you need to complete the merit badge.

Mr. Stachwick and I have many fun and educational activities in store — you will be amazed at how much you learn!

And remember, you are all rocket scientists now!

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