Project Wildlife Serive Project

Friday November 7th Troop 301 got together for it’s first service project for Project Wildlife! A HUGE thank you to all the Scouts and Adults who helped out, I hope you had fun and look forward to the next project!

Scouts: Dario, Grant, Alex, and David from Troop 301 were joined by Scott B from Troop 625 and siblings Derek & Christopher, Webelos I from Pack 616.

Parents Barbara, Steve, Susan, Janet and Project Wildlife’s Ali, Carol and Trish also jumped in with shovels and muscles. Scoutmaster Dr. Solberg came by to “supervise” and inspire us, causing lots of laughs and faster work.

We moved 4 cubic yards of gravel from the front drive to the backyard by wheelbarrow and then from there into 6 large bird enclosures by bucket. It was quite a lot of dusty hard work and we did it all in under 2 hours!!

We got to meet a Great Horned Owl, a Barn Owl and a Raven who are Project Wildlife animal ambassadors in their education program. We hope they enjoy their newly gravel lined homes!

Thanks again to everyone for their hard work and time!!!

ASM Mrs. Susan Klug