Scripps Ranch Troop 301

Popcorn Sales

Popcorn sales forms went home with the Scouts after the last Troop meeting.

This is an important fundraiser for Council, as the Scouts earn money to apply toward Scouting equipment/activities.

Popcorn sales run from 9/13/2008 through 10/31/2008

Mrs. Erin Rowland is our “Popcorn Kernel,” and sent out this info:

At last week’s meeting, the order forms for our annual Trail’s End Popcorn Sale were given out. This year we are not selling at locations such as outside of Vons. We will leave that to the Cub Scouts. We are also not doing the prize program through Trail’s End but may be giving our own small prizes to the top sellers. This fundraiser benefits the scout and the troop. I know many of you have been selling popcorn for years and the older scouts may not have the time to get sales. What is nice is that Trail’s End is offering what is called Operation Popcorn where someone buys either the Caramel Corn ($10) or Trail’s End Mix ($25) and it gets sent to our Active Military. This is a great way to help the military and to get people to donate (grandparents, etc) who don’t live nearby or don’t want the actual popcorn.

We will have order forms this week for the scouts who were not at the meeting last week. We would like to get the order forms back by the Oct 15th meeting (Court of Honor ). Let us know if you have any questions. Thanks!

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