Scripps Ranch Troop 301

Pets Merit Badge

For the Pet Merit Badge Please keep up the great work taking care of your pets and reading your book or pamphlet on your Pet. If you would like to bring the book or pamphlet to a meeting there will be time for that after the Pet Show, or catch me at any future meeting. If you need reading materials you can take one of my Petco pamphlets home to read. Whenever you have your 200 words written about taking care of your pet you may turn that in as well. I will have a folder out at the Troop meetings from this week until the end of February when some of you will be finishing up the merit badge. Remember to earn the merit badge requires 4 months of caring for your pet, but when you adopt a pet it’s really for the pet’s whole lifetime.

You can also turn in your Vet Merit badge reports at Troop meetings. If you need a tour of a Veterinary clinic please contact Dr. Dowd, or stay tuned for a possible group field trip.

Susan Klug

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