Scripps Ranch Troop 301

Pets, Dog Care, Veterinary Medicine Merit Badges

Yay! It’s almost time for Pet related Merit Badges (October is not that far away)

We started the signups for the Pets merit badge at the last Troop Meeting. We asked for signups so that we would know that you are starting the 4 month process for this MB! You must show us that you have cared for this pet for 4 months. If you are starting the care of a pet for this MB you may email Mrs. Klug ( to be added to the list. Let us know what kind of pet, and start providing the care for him/her, we will provide more MB info soon.

The Dog Care MB is a little more involved, and requires 2 months of complete Dog Care activities, if you already have the Pet MB and prefer to work on the Dog Care let me know.

You cannot “double dip” the time requirements between Pets and Dog Care MB. So if you use a Dog for both MB you have to start the timer for one, complete, then start the timer for the next.

Vet MB will include a field trip to a Veterinary Office, we would like to know how many people are interested in this as we will have to arrange small groups of visitors.

Thanks! Feel free to ask questions!

Mrs. Klug

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