Pack 616 Needs Derby Help

We hope you that many of you can help with at least part of this historic event!
Please contact Mr. Steiner of Pack 616 if you can help!
(Please do not just reply to this e-mail, or else you hit the whole Troop!)
Remember: The future of Boy Scouts wears BLUE!
Dr. Bryon Solberg, M.D.
Troop 301 Scoutmaster.

Message from Mr Steiner:
We want to check if Troop 301 could help us again for the Pack 616 Pinewood Derby!
It is scheduled for February 25, 4:00-8:15pm, at EBS Multipurpose room.
We appreciate your help.
Talk to you soon.
Best Regards,
Byron Steiner
Cub Scout Pack 616 Pinewood Derby Chair