Scripps Ranch Troop 301

OA Ordeal

We met for the OA Ordeal Friday afternoon at the Scripps Ranch Community Park. Mr Zimmer did his best Dr. B inpersonation and did the head count, assigned drivers and gave a few words of last minute advice. The candidates all headed out in good spirits not knowing exactly what was in store for them at the ordeal.

It took about 90 minutes to get to Mataguay. When we got there we spent a few minutes having our sack dinners and preparing for what lay ahead. Once done with dinner we checked in and got our clan assignments. We were spread out into the different clans most of the time only having one or two members from our troop. Soon after getting out initial instructions the Ordeal began. Everyone took the instructions seriously and followed them as given. In keeping with the tradition of the Ordeal, I’ll not discuss the particulars of the Ordeal and keep the mystery for future candidates, but I will say that eveyone enjoyed the ceremonies and it was fun to see familar faces on staff. Jacob Z. played an active role playing a character in the ceremony. Jacob did an excellent job and it was clear he had put quite a bit of effort into it. Jake T. was also on staff helping out.

Shane S. and Keith A. were Elengomats. They lead the candidates through the ordeal. Shane was with the Orangecrush and Keith was with the Lemonheads. Both did an excellent job getting all their candidates through the ordeal.

We all completed the ordeal by the late afternoon and once we got back from the final ceremony everyone got some cake to celebrate their induction into the OA. Overall it was a fun and rewarding, but challenging weekend.

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