Miramar Bike Ride

The Miramar Bike trip was a blast, as the overcast skies and warm weather was “Perfect” (per Jacob Zimmer) for biking!

We had three groups, who in turn went 5, 10, or 15 miles! Maybe next time we should go for a “Marathon (26.2 miles) biking group” as an option.”

Congrats to the 15 milers: C. Nagano, J. Solberg, A. Izzo, S. Lofy, M. Ringel, and Mrs. Lofy. Thank you to the adults who biked with us, Mr. Zimmer, Mrs. Lofy, Mr. Franke, and Mrs. Trubitt. Special thanks to Mrs. Todd, who was our control central!

(By the way, if you saw Dr. Bryon handcycling around the lake, please confirm this by e-mailing: lynnletter@aol.com ASAP to confirm this sighting, that he actually left the staging area.