Membership Meeting

Calling all adult volunteers with the Troop.

February 21 is our Membership Committee meeting. This is an adults only meeting for current parents of Troop 301 Scouts.

We will be deciding upon the new members of the Troop.

The meeting is Feb 21 from 7 pm to 8 pm at the Scripps Ranch Aviary Swim & Racket club, in the TV Room near the pool. 9875 Aviary Drive

I plan to put a trail of balloons or signs to help you find the room.

We will start promptly at 7 pm and no other committee business is on the agenda.
We have more applicants than we can take, all Troop 301 parents are invited and encouraged to attend to help the committee when it comes time to vote!

Thank You for helping the Troop!

Mrs. Klug