Lost Valley Directions

To contact Lost Valley for family emergencies, contact Orange County Council at 714-546-4990.

Dr Bryon will send an e-mail with YOUR emergency contact numbers soon. Please review it
when it comes, and send any corrections to Mrs. Klug (please remember to thank her on Sunday for ALL the incredible work she has done with the forms for Lost Valley! This is a HUGE job, and takes a lot of the load off of Dr Bryon!).

Please Print these directions for your use.

Lost Valley Adventure/Driving Directions
There is NO gas at Lost Valley, fill up before!

Meet at Scripps Ranch Community Park on Sunday, July 12, 9:00 AM. Bring a sack lunch, your camping supplies as per above, and a troop/personal tent if you were assigned to bring one. Wear Class B uniform (Troop 301 t-shirt and hat). Wear your swim suit if possible.

(Saturday AM pickup: please try to be at our campsite by 8:30 AM. This means leaving Scripps Ranch by around 6:30 AM–earlier if the roads are bad due to thunderstorms. Thanks!)

*Go to Scripps Poway Parkway.
*Turn right, follow Scripps Poway Parkway east until the end.
*Turn left onto 67/78. Stay on 78 through Ramona.
*Turn left at Santa Ysabel onto 79.
*Stay on 79 past Warner Springs, Puerta La Cruz, and Sunshine Summit.
*Turn right on Chihuahua Valley Rd.
*Drive approx. 6 miles to the beginning of Lost Valley Road. (Lost Valley Staff may meet us here).
*The “Scenic” dirt road goes straight ahead, as the paved road makes a sharp right turn, and a driveway goes to the left. In other words, you want the middle road in this trifurcation
*Stay on this dirt road, it should be marked “Lost Valley.”
*Follow this scenic dirt road for approx. 11 miles into camp.
*This is a single lane road and uphill traffic has the right of way-it is 15 mph speed limit.

*Upon arrival, the gates to Grace Campground may be closed. Proceed to the main office area. They may have us eat lunch in that parking lot, or allow us to proceed to the parking lot by the dining hall (Beckman Hall-bathrooms are inside). At this time, they are saying that we should not go to the
Anza campsite until noon. Once allowed to the campsite: follow the signs towards Grace cabins,
and once past the cabins, Anza is right by the pool. Scouts should unload, so the cars may be moved out of the camping area ASAP. Move the cars back to the parking lot by the dining hall (Beckman Hall).
Scouts/Scouters with troop/personal tents may set up. We will need to get the shade structures erected by the Scouts. The other Scouts may tentatively pick a platform tent with their TWO tentmates and may place their belongings at the entrance of the tent, but they should NOT unpack, as the adults may need to move them to another tent.