Scripps Ranch Troop 301

Lost Valley 2010 Summer Staff Information Meeting

Hello Valleyities-

What: There will be an information meeting for prospective summer 2010 Lost Valley staff members When: Monday January 18 at 7 PM, that’s Martin Luthur King, Jr. Day a school holiday for most students.
Where: The Weingart Training room of the Orange County Council Office, 1211 East Dyer Road, Santa Ana, CA 92705
Who: Anyone interested in staffing summer camp 2010. Bring friends or relatives, or tell interested friends and relatives to come out to get an idea of what working at Lost Valley is all about. We will be updating staff members on changes to camp, and there have been many over the fall, and deciding things like theme days and t-shirt colors. We will also have a few special guests from the Orange County Council office. We will have staff applications available for those who have not yet filled one out.

As a reminder, you do not need to attend this meeting to be on staff. We do not expect people from outside of the Greater Orange County area to attend.

Interview dates are as follows, and yes, you will need an interview if you are returning staff, excluding those who have already been talked to:
Saturday, January 30, 10AM-2:30PM
Tuesday, February 2, 6PM-8PM
Thursday, February 11, 6PM-8PM
Saturday, February 20, 10AM-2:30PM

Other times and/or dates will be available by appointment. Phone interviews also available for out of Orange County applicants. Applicants need to call Toni Klemm in the Orange County Council Camping Department at (714) 546-4990, for an appointment. We will add additional days in March for later applicants.

If you are planning on attending the meeting on the 18th, please e-mail me back at

Hope to see you there,

David Daniels

2010 Camp Director

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