Remember to photocopy all, and keep a copy!
Yes, it gets complicated. Especially when we as a Troop do FOUR summertime adventures! Here is your guide (or at least an attempt to be a guide!!):
**For ALL summertime health and permission forms:
Please print these/PHOTOCOPY AND KEEP A COPY, and bring these to a Troop meeting.
For 2009 Lost Valley:
Either the “New form” may be used for all, OR the old Class 1 and 2 for those under 40 years old, OR the old Class 3 for those over 40. (Physician signature required within 2 years, and current parent/guardian signatures needed).
For those over 40:
These forms are at:
ASM Mrs. Klug is collecting/folder is at the Troop meetings.
For 2009 Philmont:
Only the Philmont form may be used (which you have been given). Remember to photocopy and attach the front/back of your health insurance card. Dr. Solberg is collecting/folder at Troop meetings.
For 2009 Yosemite:
Either the “New form” may be used for all, OR the old Class 1 and 2 for those under 40 years old, OR the old Class 3 for those over 40. Give to Dr. Solberg. A special permission slip will be sent.
For 2009 Emerald Bay:
ASM Mrs. Klug will be collecting. She hopes to have the forms at this next Troop Court Of Honor/meeting.