Scripps Ranch Troop 301

FW: [Troop 301] Goooooooooooooooood MORNING from LOST VALLEY!!!!!Wednesday

HI TROOP 301!!!!
**WONDERFUL  clear and sunny day here today at LOST VALLEY!
**Shotgun shooters (older Scouts) are blasting away!
**Please accept my apologies. . due to the bandwidth and other limitations of the  internet out here in this wilderness, the pictures
I took are not coming through the  e-mails.
**Indian Lore and Archeology MB’s are visiting the artifact “museum” here at LOST VALLEY!
**The swimming MB Scouts all inflated their pants and shirts in the water to float with!
**Rifle is blasting away  . . . great scores so far!!
**Woodcarving Scouts of Troop 301  are wearing their gloves and NOT cutting their fingers.  . . . unlike a few other unfortunate ones.  . .
**Archery MB has rocked, and the boys have ALREADY shot well enough for the MB . .they just have to finish up their arrows.  .. . 
**Lifesaving MB do a quick rescue disrobe to their swimsuit today.  ..  .
**We cook in the campsite today . . .foil packets . ..  .lots  to do for a mob (I mean Troop) our size!  
***HUGE personal thanks  from me to the Ingles and Luke Bosworth for the PEANUT M and M’s!!!!!!!   
***Remember all of us in your prayers for safety and fun!
**Please remember a HUGE thank you to our FULL WEEKER  adults:  ASM MR. HANSON,  CC MRS. KLUG,  and COR MR. BOSWORTH!!!!
Dr. Bryon Solberg, M.D.
Troop 301 Scoutmaster
Pack 616 Trainer
Black Mountain District Roundtable Commissioner and Training Staff
2013 National Jamboree dAC Planning Committee
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