Five Mile Hike

Last Sunday afternoon, an astounding large number of over 60 Scouts and adults participated in a five-mile hike around Lake Miramar. The weather was perfect; and everybody was fully prepared. The five-mile hike would be a prerequisite to the Yosemite hike in upcoming August. Scouts had to prepare as if they were going on the actual Yosemite hike- this included wearing the full backpacking gear, and all the necessities. During the two and a half hour hike, the older Scouts taught orienteering and compassing exercises to the younger Scouts to teach them various skills and requirements for Tenderfoot and Second Class. But this hike is just the beginning, Scouts will have the opportunity to do the 10 mile and 20 mile hike.

Good luck to those training, it is well worth it!

Keeping the “Outing” in ScOUTING: 57 Scouts and Scouters from Troop 301 on our New Scout 5 mile hike at Lake Miramar.

Editorial by Troop Scribe: Matthew Kang

Uploade by Troop WebMaster: Joshua Kang