Scripps Ranch Troop 301

Emerald Bay report


Huge thanks to Mr. Simmons, Mr. Kuperstein, and Mr. Tannenberg for being leaders at Catalina Island’s Camp Emerald Bay for Troop 301!!!

Subject: Emerald Bay report

Hi Bryon and all who read this email (Dr. B-please forward to the troop-I don’t have everyone’s email with me at the moment)

It’s Thursday evening and its been a long day.  Working backwards from today we awoke at 4:45 a.m at Parson’s Beach, packed, carried the war canoes to the water and departed by 5:45 a.m.  Weather was calm, seas smooth and we were back at Emerald Bay camp by 6:45 where we waited for our gear to be delivered by truck.  We took our gear to the dinning commons, ate breakfast  and then dragged our “stuff’ up the hill to our  Venice campsite. Scouts then hurried to their first session merit badge program while the adults enrolled in the Nap program.  All adults were successful and earned full Napping honors.  By lunch everyone was hungry and lined up early for “seconds” . Mr. kuperstein and I then went for a 4 mile hike while Mr. Simmons grabbed his camera to take more pictures.

Later in the afternoon Mr. K and I took several scouts snorkeling followed by kayaking, then a shower and dinner.  As I write this narrative most of the troop is engaged in a game of ultimate frizbee.  NOte-it is also raining!

Wednesday was war canoe/Parson’s Beach day.  We awoke at 5:15 a.m, packed and dragged the bags down to the waterfront by 6;00 a.m.  Ate breakfast and then launched the war canoes .  Trip over to Parson’s was uneventful-all Troop 301 scouts are accomplished paddlers.  After landing on the beach and carrying the canoes up to their temporary homes on the beach we retrieved our “stuff” and set up camp on the beach. The day was not particularly warm and was extremely windy-our shade tent blew away twice and we finally modified the structure to keep it firmly on the ground.  We all took a snorkeling trip to Smugglers Cove (a short hike and rock scramble before reaching the entry point) and then jumped in.  Water was cold, even in wet suits.  The wave action was gentle enough that we could swim into a cave and land on a rocky beach about 20 yards inside the cave where we heard the legend of the pirates who buried “treasure” in the cave.  Upon returning to our campsite we made lunch (sandwiches and chips) and then tried to get warm.  Many of the boys played a game of Starfish, which as far as I could tell, involved laying on the sand in a spread eagle position and not moving for 30 minutes.  Several boys went on a second snorkeling trip to Beaver Cove while others played at the waterfront set up on the beach. Others participated in a hike.   The scouts were very industrious in building their rock faced sleeping areas. 

Jim Kuperstein was in charge of Dutch Oven cooking-all helped.  Our beef stew and peach cobbler was rated 4 stars by the Troop as well as the freeloading ranger and camp staff personnel who ‘happened to drop by’ for a taste.

Lights out at 9;00 p.m.

Tuesday was also a busy day-boys all working on merit badges, adults supervising as well as getting in some kayak time.  Our rugged scuba boys (Colin and Nathan) are working diligently and enjoying the program.  Tuesday afternoon, Ryan and John Tannenberg and Chris Siefert  also enjoyed a Scuba dive in Doctors Cove-it was beautiful-the boys commented on how wonderful it felt to be gliding through the water 20-24 feet below the surface for 45 minutes looking at the plant and animal life.  John took Jim K for a sail-wind was great.

Tomorrow (Friday) we are bicycling to Two Harbors (7 miles each way) for breakfast but will be back before 9:00 for first merit badge session. Have to get up at 4:45 a.m. again.  Friday afternoon is Aqua Cade followed by dinner and a last camp fire. Boys have had a great time; all are on track to earn their merit badges, no one is ill or homesick.

Thats about it for now.  I’m tired and at the moment (8:10 p.m.) it is pouring!!! Feels like a summer storm.  Don’t know what our departure schedule is for Saturday yet.  Will call the drivers as soon as I know.  All parents, just know that your kids are having a great time.

Until later,

John Tannenberg, A, tired ASM

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