Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Planning Guide

Attention Life Scouts – If you are beginning the planning for your Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project, this guide is for you. Other web sites may give you project ideas, but this guide tells you HOW TO PLAN the project, write up the proposal, carry out the work, and prepare the final report.

The hardest part of your Eagle Leadership Service Project is getting started because you are not sure what is expected. This document has been prepared to provide you guidance in choosing, planning, and completing your project. This information is compiled from several district, council, and BSA sources. Nothing stated herein overrides the higher authority of the district, council, or national, but is a compilation of that information to help you in doing the project. If at any time you do not understand what is expected or do not know what to do, ask a troop leader for help.

The Eagle Project will require a lot of time to complete, possibly 2 to 6 months. Since you do not have to complete all 21 Eagle merit badges before beginning your project, you should choose a period when you can most afford to put in the time. For example, summer would be a better time than the period just before Christmas. Remember, you must work within your helpers’ schedules, not just your own. For the leaders and your own sake, please begin your project at least 6 months before your 18th birthday. All Eagle requirements must be completed, and that includes the project and the final write-up, before you are 18 (NO exceptions). Plan ahead! However, you must plan and execute your project while a Life Scout, so do not start too early. You are considered a Life Scout the day you successfully complete your Board of Review.

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