Desert Campout

It was a great desert camp out with the rockets! The temperatures, both warm and cool, were mild. Many great rockets were launched. There is now a “Borrego Triangle” there though, as some rockets did not land! Everyone got multiple launches and seemed to have a good time. Near the end of the day, Mr Stachwick launched two rockets on larger F and G motors. Both had exciting minor malfunctions. The Phoenix Rocket’s shock cord broke and both pieces tumbled to a soft landing. The “Big One” launched on a G-80 did not deploy its parachute and came crashing in the east side of the rocket range like a 5 foot lawn dart, but did not damage to property or people and it only suffered some minor damage amazingly enough and will fly another day.

As the grand finale, Mr Bosworth launched a huge level two rocket in a J motor, but its parachute did not fully deploy. Mr Bosworth, Mr Zimmer and Mr Stachwick end up walking well over a mile to get it becuase the winds up that high were significantly stronger. Even though it was a hard landing the altimeter was beeping the height the rocket acheived. It was 5022 feet. On the hike back the wind picked up on the desert floor and by the time the ASMs got back to camp the wind was howling and had blown down the pop ups and was just about ready to tip over the tables and send our rockets and rocketeers blowing across the desert. The senior boys did a great job of getting everyone organized and all the equipment rounded up for our trip back to the camp ground.

Once back at camp the troop set up tents, ate dinner and started a nice warm fire. There were great skits and songs at the campfire, and the Dragons outdid themselves again with a Disney musical review including “Snow White, Aladdin, Tarzan, and Toy Story!”

Thank you to the adults who came (Mr.Zimmer, Mr. and Mrs. Ingles, Mr. and Mrs. Trubitt, Mr. Davis, and Mr. Solberg) plus the ‘Rocket Scientists” including Mr. Bosworth, Shane S., and CJ B.!

If anyone that went has any pictures to share please let know.