Scripps Ranch Troop 301

David Mosely’s Eagle Scout Project: Request for help!

David Mosely’s Eagle Scout Project: Request for help!

Anyone who can help me assemble owl boxes this Saturday, December 11 at 9am, please give me a call at 858-208-7524 or 858-695-8060. The wood has been cut and we are gluing and nailing the boxes together.

We will be working at the home of Mr. Carlos Aylwin (12366 Sycamore Rd.). Please wear closed toed shoes, and Class B uniform with long pants. Bring gloves and eye protection with you. Lunch and snacks will be provided.


What: David Mosely’s Eagle Project

Place: Mr. Alywin’s house, 12366 Sycamore Road

Date: December 11 Starting at 9am ending around 3pm

Meet: Mr Alywin’s house, 12366 Sycamore Road

Wear: Class B (red shirt preferred), long pants, (Troop) Hat or sunscreen. Bring gloves and eye protection.

Food: Lunch and snacks will be provided, if anyone wants to bring food just let me know.


Scouts and Adults/Scouters: Return this bottom portion to David Mosely on the day of the project.

My son/myself ______________________________ has permission to go with Troop 301 on the following activity:

David Mosely’s Eagle Project December 11, 2010


Medical History/Allergies__________________________________________


Hold Harmless Agreement from the Boy Scouts America:

I understand that participation in the activity involves a certain degree of risk. I have carefully considered the risk involved and have given consent for myself or my child to participate in the activity. I understand that participation in the activity is entirely voluntary and requires participants to abide by applicable

rules and standards of conduct. I release the Boy Scouts of America, the local council, the activity coordinators, and all employees, volunteers, related parties, or other organizations associated with the activity from any and all claims or liability arising out of this participation. In case of emergency involving my child, I understand every effort will be made to contact me. In the event I cannot be reached, I hereby give my permission to the medical provider

selected by the adult leader in charge to secure proper treatment, including hospitalization, anesthesia, surgery, or injections of medication for my child. Medical providers are authorized to disclose to the adult in charge examination findings, test results, and

treatment provided for purposes of medical evaluation of the participant, follow-up and communication with the participant’s parents or guardian, and/or determination of the participant’s ability to continue in the program activities.

Participant’s signature______________________Date______

Parent/guardian printed name______________________

Parent/guardian signature ___________________Date ________

Area code/telephone numbers for contact_________________


Contact the adult tour leader with any questions:

Name__________________ Mrs. Diane Mosely

Phone___________________ 858-695-3876

E-mail ____

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