Colorado Canoe Trip

Dear Intrepid Canoeists,

I wanted to inform you all of a few changes I’m making to the meeting schedules and send out the permission slips for the pre-trek training day.

First and most important: the meeting time for the canoe training day Sun Sept 28 (for those NOT on the overnight) is 6:45 am at the community center. I had previously stated 6:00 am, but the time is changing and the sun is not up that early, hence the change.

Second, the meeting planned for Sept 24 before the troop meeting happens to fall on a PLC night. What I intended to do was to review the plans for Sunday the 28th. In view of that, I am cancelling that meeting and inviting anyone with questions to talk with me at the troop meeting tonight or by phone.

Below is a revised meeting schedule for the canoe trekkers indicating the changes. Those of you who had filled out a permission slip at the last meeting, (Abeyta and Inzunza) please note the time change for the 28th.

Colorado River Trip Meetings

July 2 (Wednesday) – Informational meeting
6:30 pm (before Scout meeting) Review gear list, training schedule, determine drivers, look at some equipment
HALTT leadership, preparation for high adventure trips
Talk about drivers, think about canoe partners, groups for food prep
Plan for 50 miler

Sept 24 (Wednesday) – Pre – Skills Clinic Meeting: CANCELLED
6:30 pm (before Scout meeting)
Discuss the upcoming skills clinic, firm up plans for driving and canoe partners
Choose groups for meal planning prior to the equipment check meeting
Meals to prepare while camping: 3 dinners, 3 lunches, 4 breakfasts

September 28 – Canoeing Skills Clinic MANDATORY MEETING
6:30am – 3:00pm Youth Aquatic Center – Mission Bay

7:00 7:30 Assemble gear at the beach and wake up! Demonstrate canoeing strokes on land. Go over whistle signals for the day’s paddle. Haul canoes from the YAC to the beach, get paddles; and PFDs

7:30 10:00 Solo practice: J stroke, C stroke, Draw stroke, Back stroke, Sweep, Stop

10:00 1:30 Paddle the bay (tandem), stop for lunch, return to YAC. We will switch bow and stern and between canoes during this trip

1:30 2:00 Discuss gear and packing the canoes

2:00 2:30 Competitive canoe games (use your skill with the canoes to win cool prizes!). The purpose of this segment is to show how well you can maneuver your canoe. Adjustments to canoe partners may be necessary depending upon skill

2:30 3:00 Return canoes and gear to the YAC

November 16 (Sunday) – Equipment Check MANDATORY MEETING
4:00 pm – 5:30pm
Mosely residence: Check troop roster for address.

Bring all of your equipment packed into your dry bags for a check. We will review departure time, meeting location, maps, driving groups and meal planning

November 22 (Saturday)
Take off for the river!! Arrive Park Moabi by noon

November 23 – 25 (Sunday to Tuesday)
Paddle from Bullhead City to Castle Rock. Have fun!

November 26 (Wednesday)
Return to San Diego

Diane Mosley