Scripps Ranch Troop 301

Certified Divers

Here is a photo that Michael S. sent of his Rugged Scuba group. As you can see, 3 of the scouts in the photo are from our troop – Michael, Reid, and Ryan. They all received their scuba certification which is not easy. Today’s dive was 66-feet deep.

To get certified there is a lot prework – about 6 hours of on-line learning with lots of tests. The only thing to consider is that scouts in the rugged scuba program you don’t get to do most of the activities with the troop. But if there are several doing the rugged program like this year then it is not a problem since they have someone else to hang out with.

The boys ate their meals at different times and when the troop was out on war canoe for example the rugged boys were on line researching so they could write a 500 word essay on scuba diving. The good part was they all LOVED it!!! Thanks to Mrs Simmons for passing this along Mr Simmons who was an adult leader there.

Congrats to our newly certified divers!
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