
Blog Authors

Ever wanted to share something with the troop or respond to one of the blog posting.  All it takes is a request to be one of the blog authors.  If you would like to become a blog author just send a request to the Webmaster or Mr. Stachwick.  Here is the list of current authors: 

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Old Web Site

The old website is still out there.  Its link is: http://www.kingharald.com/ It no longer contains current information, but the photos from activities before the transition to the new site are still on the old secure page along with old forms, documents etc.  There are a number of photos from 2007 and before that are out

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Membership Meeting

Calling all adult volunteers with the Troop. February 21 is our Membership Committee meeting. This is an adults only meeting for current parents of Troop 301 Scouts. We will be deciding upon the new members of the Troop. The meeting is Feb 21 from 7 pm to 8 pm at the Scripps Ranch Aviary Swim

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