Merit Badges

2010 Planning

Once again, huge congratulatory hand pounds to SPL Marvin Ordonez and the Patrol Leaders/Youth Leaders of Troop 301 who participated in the annual planning session on 8/26. The calendar draft is being reviewed by the Troop Committee, and will hopefully be sent soon. Some dates are TBD (To be determined), as we cannot make some […]

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Pets Merit Badge

For the Pet Merit Badge Please keep up the great work taking care of your pets and reading your book or pamphlet on your Pet. If you would like to bring the book or pamphlet to a meeting there will be time for that after the Pet Show, or catch me at any future meeting.

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Fall Merit Badge Roundup

Dr Bryon says: We have had a number of Scouts attend the Merit Badge Day events by Kit Carson District, and the reviews have been very good!Fall Merit Badge RoundupDate: Saturday, November 8Place: LDS Felicita Stake Center2255 Felicitia Rd.Time: 9am-4pm(Bring your own lunch) EAGLE REQUIRED BADGES IN BLUECitizenship in Nation9am-12pmPRE REQ: #2, #3, #4 (Gettysburg

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