Canoe Trip

White water rafting!

Troop 301 had a great time white water rafting. ASM Paula Trubitt led this outing. In case you can’t tell, we are yelling “301!” Looking at the photos I am reminded that the boys so nicely played games, waded in the water together, and even worked on the MB worksheet together on Friday night! Thank you! Paula

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2010 Planning

Once again, huge congratulatory hand pounds to SPL Marvin Ordonez and the Patrol Leaders/Youth Leaders of Troop 301 who participated in the annual planning session on 8/26. The calendar draft is being reviewed by the Troop Committee, and will hopefully be sent soon. Some dates are TBD (To be determined), as we cannot make some

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Canoe Trip Summary

Troop 301 Colorado River Trek Day 1 – November 26 Some of us left Scripps Ranch at 7am, some left in the afternoon, and some left at 9pm. Road trip highlights: We were overjoyed to find gas for $1.84 at Victorville Costco. We were entertained by Matilda at the Needles Carl’s Jr who couldn’t find

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Colorado Canoe Trip

Dear Intrepid Canoeists, I wanted to inform you all of a few changes I’m making to the meeting schedules and send out the permission slips for the pre-trek training day. First and most important: the meeting time for the canoe training day Sun Sept 28 (for those NOT on the overnight) is 6:45 am at

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