
Congratulations, Eagle Scouts! As more boys are tackling their Eagle Scout requirements, more and more projects are making progress. We already have more than our share of Eagle Scouts in this troop, which to me is a sign of an excellent program. Our troop runs so well because of our amazing Scoutmaster, our outstanding adult […]

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Beaver Time

Last night at the La Jolla Marriot Troop 301’s Dr Bryon was awarded the Silver Beaver Award. It was a pretty fancy affair with everyone in either their class A uniform or business attire. Those in attendance from Troop 301 cheered him on by ringing cow bells brought by our Committee Chair Susan Klug. Ok,

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Order of the Arrow Ordeal

Congratulations to the Scouts and Scouter who completed their “OA ORDEAL” this weekend and are now members of the “Brotherhood of Cheerful Service” Honor Society of the Boy Scouts of America! Dr Bryon joined the OA 34 years ago, and said he had never seen such a large group elected by their peers/completing the Ordeal

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Court of Honor

On Jan 21, we had a Court Of Honor at Dingeman, The emcees were: Scouts Michael Franke and Garrett Solberg. They did an excellent job.There were quite a few scouts, volunteers and family members there. Special thanks went out to the following for their help in making the troop successful.Senior Patrol Leader: Bryan GrahamChartered Organizational

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