
Miramar Lake Hike

We had a pretty good turn out of new boys at the Mirmar Lake hike and a few backpackers. The new boys were doing their first hike in preparation for the big Scripps Ranch to the Sea 20 miler. The backpackers were doing a 10 mile hike to warm up for their 5 mile hike

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Popcorn Sales

Popcorn sales forms went home with the Scouts after the last Troop meeting. This is an important fundraiser for Council, as the Scouts earn money to apply toward Scouting equipment/activities. Popcorn sales run from 9/13/2008 through 10/31/2008 Mrs. Erin Rowland is our “Popcorn Kernel,” and sent out this info:At last week’s meeting, the order forms

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Den Chief Training!

This will can help you be a better Den Chief, make your life as a Den Chief easier and start you on your path to earning the “Permanent Den Chief Cord” award. This training includes a DEN CHIEF HANDBOOK.Info: Oct. 18th at St. Michael’s Church (15546 Pomerado, Poway). 9:30AM-12:30 PM.Cost is $7 per Scout/pay at

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