Scripps Ranch Troop 301

Agua Caliente/Plaster City

Get ready for rockets! Next month’s Plaster City/Agua Caliente campout is

fast approaching.

If you want to fly, you will need a rocket and some motors. To support this, ASM Mr. Bosworth will be ordering rocket kits and motors. If your rocket from last year is still in good shape, all you need is motors. If you don’t have a rocket or if you just want to build another one, order both.

Mr. Bosworth will be ordering C6-5 motors and Patriot Missile kits. Cost will be $10 for 5 motors, and $10 for a kit.

Time is short, so let ASM Mr. Bosworth know if you want to participate by Wednesday 18 November. Send an email with the following info:

– Scout’s name

– Rocket kit: yes or no

– Motors: yes or no

If you’d rather order your own or buy local, the following vendors are recommended:

– Hobby Central <> – Near Scripps Ranch

– What’s Up Hobbies <> – On site vendor — very good to us last year!

One other note: If you are 14 through 17 years old, and interested in flying H or I motors (64 times more powerful than the C motors we flew with last year!), the National Association of Rocketry has a Junior Level 1

certification program. This is more challenging and expensive, but makes lots more smoke and noise! Contact Mr. Bosworth to learn more.


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