Miramar Lake Hike

We had a pretty good turn out of new boys at the Mirmar Lake hike and a few backpackers. The new boys were doing their first hike in preparation for the big Scripps Ranch to the Sea 20 miler. The backpackers were doing a 10 mile hike to warm up for their 5 mile hike and camping trip in the coming week.

We started at Miramar Ranch Elementary School. Harrison and Michael were our leads. We started at 4pm it was still nice and sunny. We headed out past the boat dock, then the picnic ground and then went down onto the trail next to the road. We had a few water breaks along the way. The trail runs out near 3 1/4 mile mark so we got up on the road to finish the out portion at mile marker 4. We turned back and by then it was about 5:30.

The hike back was on the road all the way. Many of the boys talked about video games and their favorite movies to keep their minds off hike. By the time we got to the far east part of the lake we were treated to a very nice Southern California sunset. We got to the picnic area about 7:00 by then it was pretty dark. Except for some sore feet everyone made it back safe and sound.

Special thanks to our boy leads, Scoutmaster Dr Bryon and our sweep Mrs Todd.