Seed ball Service Project

In November and December members of Boy Scout Troop 301, along with Girl Scout Troop 8250 and some boys from Pack 616 made Seed balls to be used in restoration of areas damaged by the Cedar and Witch Creek fires. During the two days they made over 12,000 seed balls.

Seedballs consist of thick clay, fertilizer, and handpicked native seeds. The scouts add water to the clay-seed powder and rolled the seedballs by hand, a totally muddy mess. They need about 2.5 million to cover the burned areas. In conjunction with the US Forest Service and the non-profit group, Wild Life Research Institute, these seedballs and others will be distributed by the boys in January in the back country between San Diego Country Estates and Julian off of Eagle Peak Rd. When it rains, the seedballs will dissolve into the damp soil which will be full of rich ashes that will naturally fertilize the seeds.

Special thanks to Dario I, and Shane S, for helping set up and clean up afterwards and helping get everyone one organized and kept on track during the construction. Also, to Katy from WRI for dropping off the raw material and picking up the seedballs.