Mock Trial Special Troop 301 Meeting for 3/11

The Venue and Date:
Mock trial – scheduled for March 11, 2009, 4pm, SD Superior Court in East County before Judge Tim Tower in Dept. 19 (directions below). We will meet at 3:15 pm at the usual Community Park spot and caravan to the court house. Everyone should bring a sack-lunch as we will probably be there until at least 6:30 pm. Parents coming from work may meet us there on their own.

The Acts:
We will go thru the security checkpoint by 4pm (so no pocket knives) and meet with Judge Tower and his bailiff. [Judge Tower is an Eagle Scout and does well talking with teens. He heads the drug court and will discuss this briefly with the boys.] We will tour the court house for about 30 minutes (and have some fun checking out empty jail cells). Our mock trial should being around 5 and last at least an hour. I anticipate being back to the Comm. park by 7:30.

The Script:
This is a civil case filed by a boy who was arrested by police at a big store that was closing. He is suing for excessive force and humiliation seeking $100,000. The officers’ defense is having had probable cause and acting reasonably under the circumstances.

The Actors:
Eleven scouts participating in the trial for the law merit badge (5 as attorneys and 6 as witnesses) split into 2 teams:

Madsen Team (lawyers: Ryan, Harrison)
Troy Aylwin (plaintiff, Kevin Brooks)
Duncan Klug (plaintiff’s witness, Roy Derecha)
Brandon Khuu (Dr. Marcus Talyor plaintiff’s doctor)

Goodrich Team (Garret, Alex, Michael)
Keith Aylwin (Officer Milton Lawrence – defendant)
David Watson (defense witness, Shawn Camp, asst mgr)
Craig Bosworth (defense witness, Mark Rodriguez, Chief of Police)

We need jurors to be there (others from the troop) who will render the verdict! All parents/families can come, too.

1. Scripps Poway Pkwy east
2. 67 south (12 mi) follow signs to I-8 (El Centro), but stay straight as it turns into N. Magnolia (do not exit onto I-8).
3. Left on Main (court house is about 2-3 blocks down on left – brick bldg about 5 stories high)
4. Park in 2-story garage and walk into court house (one entrance)