Trail to Eagle

Trail to Eagle really benefits Scouts who are Life Rank (and their parents). I have been assured that there will be another of these seminars in October (Likely the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7 PM).

From the Scripps-Mesa District Advancement Chair: (see details and flyers at: ).
I just wanted to remind you of the upcoming events in May that are being presented by the Advancement Committee of the Scripps-Mesa District. Could you please forward this message and its attachments to those in your units who may be interested?

(1) Thursday, May 14, 7:00 – 8:15 pm : Trail to Eagle Workshop
This presentation is for all youth, parents, and unit leaders who are or will be working with candidates for the Eagle rank in scouting. This is a very significant accomplishment, but takes a great deal of work, particularly in successfully completing the Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project. Attending this workshop can help a young man avoid setbacks and pitfalls along the way. The presenters have many years experience in counseling for these projects and also sitting on the Eagle Board of

This is especially valuable for the adults who are helping, so they also know the expectations. Please do everything you can to encourage attendance from all interested parties.

(2) Thursday, May 28, 7:00 – 8:15 pm : Merit Badge Counselor Orientation/Training
This program is for all current merit badge counselors in the Scripps-Mesa District, as well as those who are interested in finding out more about this service. We would like to ensure that all of our young men are receiving help that is up to the standards of the BSA. Sometimes we need to be
reminded of the very explicit rules and guidelines in this area. Again, please encourage everyone you know who would benefit from this presentation.

If you attended the training that was presented last fall, you are still invited, but it will be the same presentation, so it’s up to you.

In both cases, it would be appreciated if those who plan to attend either program would let us know so we can ensure the space and handouts will be sufficient. Both sessions will be held at the Mira Mesa LDS Church at 11023 Pegasus Ave., from 7:00 to 8:15 pm. Please enter through the southeast entrance.

Thank you very much. We hope to see many of you this month. Fell free to contact me if you have questions.

Yours in Scouting,

Layne Jensen
S-M District Advancement Chair