Troop 301 July Newsletter

Ordeals, Hikes and Flags

Troop 301, as usual, had another busy month! Early in the month, we helped clean up after the Dingeman Spring Carnival as a community service project to support the school site where we hold our troop meetings. Many hands make for light work and we quickly got the job done!

Also, 13 scouts and scouters (Shane Stachwick, Garrett Solberg, Michael Franke, Keith Alywin, Dario Inzunza, Kevin Graham, Jake Todd, Jacob Zimmer, Matt Ringel, Grant Ingamells, Ms. Hauschildt, Kyle Fisher, and Mr. Fisher) underwent a rigorous overnight ordeal and, as a result, were inducted into the Order of the Arrow. For those that don’t know, the Order of the Arrow is a Boy Scout honor society dedicated to cheerful service. It is an extremely high honor to be voted in, and it is also one of only a few organizations in the world where primarily non-members vote members in. In addition, Bryan Graham and Mr. Zimmer sealed their OA membership by receiving the Brotherhood honor. Dr. Solberg also served as the event’s medical officer. I would love to share the Ordeal experience with you, but it is top secret and I would have to kill you (Just kidding! Boy Scouts don’t kill people).

In training for our semi-annual 20-mile Scripps Ranch To The Sea trek next month, we also went on our strenuous 10-mile Ellie Lane Hike up to Iron Mountain, led by David Mosely and Josh Solberg.

During Memorial Day weekend, we placed flags on the graves of veterans at El Camino cemetery. Each year, I find it heartwarming to see all the scouts honoring those who died to protect American liberty and freedom.

Several of the older scouts are also working hard on their Eagle scout projects. Last month, Spencer Gibson organized an effort to install tarps over the dugouts on two baseball fields. This month, Josh Solberg and his helpers are renovating the distance markers for Miramar Lake.

Jake Todd, Troop 301 Scribe