Beaver Time

Last night at the La Jolla Marriot Troop 301’s Dr Bryon was awarded the Silver Beaver Award. It was a pretty fancy affair with everyone in either their class A uniform or business attire. Those in attendance from Troop 301 cheered him on by ringing cow bells brought by our Committee Chair Susan Klug. Ok, maybe the affair wasn’t that fancy, but it was fun!

Make sure you congratulate Dr. Bryon on his well deserved award the next time you see him.

The Silver Beaver Award is the Boy Scouts of America Local Councils council-level distinguished service award of the Boy Scouts of America. Recipients of this award are registered adult leaders who have made an impact on the lives of youth through service given to the council. The Silver Beaver is an award given to those who implement the Scouting program and perform community service through hard work, self sacrifice, dedication, and many years of service. It is given to those who do not actively seek it.

More info on the Silver Beaver Award can be found here: