Yosemite Backpack Journal Day 4

We left May Lake about 8:00 as was becoming our habit.  The hike was mostly down hill to start and followed old Tioga Road.  The road could still be seen in many parts, but was quickly returning to nature and looking more like a trail than a road.  It did not take long to get where Old Tioga Road met New Tioga Road.  From there we followed the path along the road to our stash of food at the Sunrise Trail head.  We got to have chips and salsa, thanks to Mr. Zimmer.  We knew the most difficult part of the hike lay ahead, so most of us decided to drop some extra equipment or food to be picked up at the end of the trip.  We had three big bags of extra stuff.  It had warmed up from the previous week and the weather was expect to be nice through the remainder of the trip, but mostly it was food that got left. 

When we started our hike to Sunrise Camp, it was long and hard.  We stopped a bit more often than we had during the first few days.  The trail was full of switch backs and was steep in places.  It did not seem to phase the boys at all though and we kept up a pretty brisk pace.  We passed some “loopers” being led by a NPS Ranger going the opposite direction.  We thought we might get our permit checked, but I guess we looked respectable enough he never even asked .  We got to the top and had a nice lunch.  We started down hill and stopped at Middle or Upper Sunrise Lake.  We were not quite sure one it was.  During the day, we kept seeing the same folks over and over.  Most were nice, but to our great surprise, some seemed kind of grumpy.  Go figure.  Being in such a beautiful place and it not bringing out a positive attitude, it was a great mystery and even a point of amusement to some of us.  

After our lunch and swim we headed out and made it into camp about 2:00, early enough once again to get the best sites.  We did the usual camp set up, dinner, store run and camp fire.  A good day, but very challenging.  Some spent time in the Sunrise Meadow overlooked by camp.  Mr. Stachwick taught Hearts (a card game) to some of the boys.  They seemed to enjoy something else besides good old Plebe.  They would play the new game through the rest of the trip. Â