Congratulations, Eagle Scouts!

As more boys are tackling their Eagle Scout requirements, more and more projects are making progress. We already have more than our share of Eagle Scouts in this troop, which to me is a sign of an excellent program. Our troop runs so well because of our amazing Scoutmaster, our outstanding adult volunteers, and last but not least, our fantastic older Scouts that guide each Scout to the rank of Eagle. Only about 4% of all Scouts reach the rank of Eagle Scout, which makes up only 0.5% of the male population in the United States. By becoming an Eagle Scout, you truly set yourself apart from the crowd. I can’t say for myself, but if you ask any Eagle Scout, 99% will say their Scouting experience was rewarding and fulfilling.
New Scouts and parents, if you want to check out who has earned their Eagle Scout rank, log onto the Troop website and click on the link to the Eagle’s Nest. You’re sure to see some familiar faces.