Blog Authors

Ever wanted to share something with the troop or respond to one of the blog posting.  All it takes is a request to be one of the blog authors.  If you would like to become a blog author just send a request to the Webmaster or Mr. Stachwick.  Here is the list of current authors: 

  • Art Nagano
  • Dr. Bryon
  • Ms. Hauschildt
  • CraigBos
  • Diane M.
  • Eddie
  • Mrs. Klug
  • karen
  • JeanFisher
  • JoLynn
  • Karen Franke
  • Kevin Graham
  • hanh
  • Dr.Laura
  • Lynn Todd
  • Nicki
  • Davis Family
  • Ryan M.
  • Shane
  • Mr Stachwick
  • Tim DeRego
  • tgvvish
  • Tim F.
  • Mark Fisher
  • Historian
  • Scribe
  • D. Ordonez
  • Marv Ordonez

If you are the troop historian or scribe there is a general account you can use for postings.  As you can see we have both Adults and Scouts on the authors list.  All we ask is that postings are written in adherance of the Scout law.  Especially that one about Clean.