Thanks for the great Mission Trails Backpack! 18 Scouts and Scouters prepared for the Yosemite Trek/Backpack by hiking 15 miles with full packs. All did GREAT!

The trip started late Friday with a 4 mile night hike down the Junipero Serra Trail past the Old Mission Dam to the Visitors Center and back to camp. Even on that well designated road we ran into someone who got separated from his group and was “lost”. We got him turned around and pointed toward civilization. It was a good lesson for the boys, seeing how easy it is to get in a situation where you might need assistance, if you are not well prepared. Once back at camp it did not take long for tents to be set up and dinner cooked and eaten. It was a bit chilly and everyone decided to get an early start, so there was no campfire.
After getting up early Saturday and everyone packing up their tents and having either a hot or cold breakfast we hiked the Oaklands, “Roller Coaster,” Shepherd’s Pond area, Fortuna and Twin Towers areas, went over the Fortuna Saddle and down THE WALL, back towards the Padre Dam, and over the bridge and back to camp. We had lunch up on the mesa just before our assault on the Fortuna Saddle. On the way there we ran into another lost hiker. This time a little Boston Terrier who had gotten away from his family. We heard them calling and got dog and master within sight of each other before resuming our hike.
Each hiker set up camp in a new site to meet the backpacker merit badge requirements. Everyone got their dinner ready and after some rest Mitchel I. got a fire built and we did some songs and skits. It was long day and we all needed some rest.
The next morning everyone one got up, had breakfast tore down camp and we hit the trail to head back to our cars. Never mind we took the long way back, going at least 2 miles when the cars were at most 10 feet away, it was still a nice hike. The boys all met the requirement to hike 15 miles on a 3 day trip and showed they were on the way to being ready for Yosemite.