2013 Troop 301 Yosemite Trek/Backpack – 63 miles of wonder

     63 miles of wonder and beauty in the high country of Yosemite: elevations of 7,700 feet and 10,600. Tuolumne Meadows, Glen Aulen, May Lake, Sunrise, Merced Lake, Vogelsang, and back to Tuolumne Meadows.

12 Days of Yosemite Song! (To the tune of 12 Days of Christmas)

On the __ day of Yosemite my Crew Leader Gave to me…

A big backpack on me
2 hiking poles
3 Mountain Houses
4 Cup of Noodles
5 swimming holes
6 Clif bars
7 wool caps
8 trash bags
9 water bottles
10 yellow tents
11 flashlights
12 sleeping bags

Song written by: Ryan Rafferty

Pre-Hike Snacks

Tuolumne Falls

Glen Aulen

Backcountry Snack Bar

Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne Sunset

May Lake Campfire

May Lake and Mount Hoffman Early in the Morning

Sunrise Campsite

River/Waterfall Above Merced Lake

Pine Log/Tree Derby

The Adults Celebrating at Vogelsang Pass

Celebrating at Vogelsang Pass: 3,000 feet of Climbing this Day!

Vogelsang Pass

On the Way to May Lake – “Uphill is Your Friend.”

Lembert Dome of Tuolumne Meadows