**THANK YOU to all who drove and/or offered support!
***CONGRATULATIONS to all  34 Scouts and Scouter who completed the 15th Edition of the Troop 301 20 mile hike:
“Scripps Ranch To The Sea!”
**HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Troop 301 Spark Plug Mrs. Simmons!!

Dr. Bryon Solberg, M.D.
Troop 301 Scoutmaster
Black Mountain District Roundtable and Training Staff
Troop 301 Scoutmaster
Black Mountain District Roundtable and Training Staff
**Whether we have aches, pains, cramps, spasms, or paralysis, we can swim/bike/run/walk/hike/ROLL and live with joy and gratitude in our hearts.
**What we do for ourselves dies with us; what we do for others lives on.
“You cannot have significance in this life if it is all about you. You get your significance,you find your joy in life, through service and sacrifice. It’s pure and simple.”